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Gallon, acetone in metal can, powerful fast drying solvent primarily for thinning polyester resins used in fiberglass boat & auto body repairs, water miscible, also use for thinning epoxies, lacquers & many adhesives & as a pre-paint cleaner & degreaser of metal surfaces, read label carefully before use.
DQB 8 In. x 1-1/16 In. Tampico Fiber Threaded Hole Acid/Glue Brush
Bulls Eye Odorless Stain Blocker, Bright White, 1-Gal.
Painter's Plastic + Dispenser, Pre-Taped, 48-In. x 90-Ft.
Painter's Plastic, Pre-Taped, 48-In. x 90-Ft.
DAP 9.8 Oz. Window, Door & Siding Silicone Sealant, Black
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